Upcoming Meets

Wednesday 11 Sep

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Harmer's Wood - Bouldering

Bouldering in the old sandstone quarries, we will likely be in Classroom Quarry – map by the parking. Limited parking – PLEASE PARK PERPENDICULARLY TO THE ROAD and try to share lifts if possible. Meet up at the White Lion in Alvanley for refreshments afterwards.

Friday 13 SepSunday 15 Sep

Exchange meet : Little Langdale

Fylde Club Stair hut in Little Langdale. Contact Rich Fahy if interested

Monday 16 SepFriday 20 Sep

Glen Affric, Strawberry Cottage

This is a hut operated by the ATMC (An Teallach Mountaineering Club) situated in Glen Affric. Its advantage is its situation in (arguably) the prettiest Glen in Scotland with lesser trod Munroes and with privileged access via the private track eases what are otherwise some big days out. Room for up to 12. If we get 8 in time we get exclusive use. Consider the Fylde Xchange meet the w/e before as a staging post meet on the way north. If interested contact John Buckle

Wednesday 18 Sep

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Frodsham - bouldering

Park at the location above, walk up the road opposite and up the footpath at the end, you'll find us on the rocks just below the top path on the left, starting from the end nearest the footpath and moving slowly left. Some sectors are a bit highball, we might take a rope or 2 for these so a harness can be useful.

Wednesday 25 Sep

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Helsby Top - Bouldering

Bouldering on the top tier at Helsby weather permitting. Bring your mat and Beanie and join in. White Lion at Alvanley for refreshments afterwards.

Wednesday 2 Oct

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Boardroom climbing wall
Recurs monthly

Indoor climbing. Lead climbing and bouldering. Discount for CMC members

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