A friendly local club
The main advantage of being in a club is that you can meet a friendly group of people in the local area with a similar level of interest to get out climbing, hill walking or mountaineering.
We have quite a large membership for a local club with a range of interests and commitment levels in climbing, hill walking and mountaineering to suit all new members.

Membership Benefits
As well as meeting every Wednesday evening we have many other weekend meets and weeks away that members can join. See our meets list and examples of adventures we’ve had recently.
We have many meets and social events throughout the year – Wednesday evening climbing, Walking day meets, weekend and week long meets for adventures in the mountains further afield
We usually hold a meet every 6 months at our hut near Llanberis aimed at helping new members get to know people, although they are encouraged to come to any meet they like
Members can stay cheaply at our hut in Snowdonia with very little notice
Members get discounts at our local climbing walls and many outdoor shops in the area
The Membership fee includes British Mountaineering Council club membership. This provides individuals with civil liability insurance for all UK mountain activities, ability to purchase specialised worldwide mountaineering insurance, an annual copy of the BMC Summit magazine.
WhatsApp & Facebook groups help climbers and walkers connect for meets and get out together. We also produce several newsletters each year with member trip report write ups

Joining Considerations
Membership is open to anyone with an active interest in climbing, mountaineering or hill walking. New members first join as Associate members for 6 months. After that time they should be acquainted with some club members by attending a few club meets. They are then eligible to apply for Full membership which gets full access to our hut. There is no minimum experience or qualification requirement but it should be noted the club does not undertake formal training or instruction.
Mountaineering is also a potential hazardous pursuit and participants undertake this at their own discretion and in full knowledge of the risk to themselves. The Club can accept no responsibility in this area.

Membership cost
Associate membership for 6 months is £30
Full Membership is £40 per year
Under 25's is £25 per year
A significant proportion of this is for BMC club membership
Interested in joining?
You are more than welcome to come on one of the regular Wednesday meets to meet up with other club members, find out who we are and get an impression before deciding if you’d like to join. If you’ve an interest in climbing, hill walking or mountaineering then we think you’ll fit in!
Either fill in the form below to get more details from our membership secretary or just turn-up on any Wednesday evening meet. Alternatively, e-mail our Membership Secretary directly.