2024 Meets Programme
Thanks to everyone who came to the recent Christmas Social and contributed to our meets programme for 2024.
We now have around 75 meets in the calendar, hopefully something for everyone including, Scottish Winter, Climbing day meets, Weekend climbing meets to Portland, Swanage, Lakes hut swap meets, Week away meets to Lewis, Slovenia, Switzerland & Portugal and several Walking day meets too.
There is space for a few more meets – discussions ongoing about Pembroke & Summer Alpine trips.
Don’t forget, we also meet every Wednesday evening to do something too – mostly climbing , but also slideshows, quizes, mountain biking, socializing.
Get involved – our events calendar is now available via a few options:
- on this website here
- in each newsletter, the next one is due soon.
- from any calendar you use (certainly Google and Apple) you can add the Chester MC calendar to see all meets by adding this “iCal” link:
- https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/chestermountaineering%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics
- All members get access to our well used CMC WhatsApp community, with spin off groups for the meets, walking, climbing, winter etc.